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Disposable tableware manufacturer

DePack company (decomposable packaging) is engaged in the production of disposable tableware and packaging from degradable materials with your design. Paper packaging and dishes not only perfectly preserve the product, but also save the environment (Our poor!).

Our Services

Our production

Full branding of your package, with a developed sketch.
DePack creates memory packaging.

Single Layer Glasses

For cold drinks

Double Layer Glasses

For hot drinks

Paper Bowls

For desserts, etc.

Paper Plates

Underlays and deep

Paper Packaging

Of any complexity

Paper Covers

For ice cream, etc.

Banning single-use plastic in India

“Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a loud announcement that the country will phase out single-use plastic by 2022. "


Are you ready to work with us?

You can make a preliminary application for calculating the cost, in text format, describe the type of product and the approximate amount of products (if there are nuances, describe them).


Write to us

Thank you for message!

141135. Shchyolkovo, Ogudnevo 1/1

Tel. +7 (495) -003-43-39

© 2021 LLC "Roboteh" INN 5031141917 OGRN 1215000074960

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